Registration Options
Please read before you register as there are several registration
options to choose from when registering.
Member Attending | Not bringing a Fellow or Guest
Select CGGS Member Attending | No Fellow or Guest
CGGS Member single registration.
Fee: $135.00 Member
Member Attending - Bringing a Fellow or Guest
Select CGGS Member Attending | Bringing a Fellow or Guest.
You will be prompted to "add a guest" when registering.
Each additional guest will be added in your final total.
Fee: $135 Member | $135 each - Fellow or Guest
NEW! Sponsor a Current Fellow Registration
Select CGGS Member attending & Sponsor a Fellow
CGGS member attending and not bringing a current Fellow,
but wishes to host a current Fellow to attend the program.
You will receive an email with a notification of whom you sponsored,
prior to the program date.
Fee: $135 Member | $135 Sponsored Fellow
Total: $270
Member Not Attending | Sponsor a Current Fellow
Select CGGS Member Not Attending | Sponsor a Current Fellow
CGGS Member unable to attend but wishes to sponsor a current Fellow. You will receive notification of whom you sponsored, prior to the program date.
Fee: $135.00 Member
Current Fellow - Limited Complimentary Registrations Available!
Select Current Fellow Attending Limited Complimentary Slots
Limited complimentary registrations available for a current Fellow registering
separately from their mentor. You will be asked to identify your mentor when registering
Fee: Complimentary (limited slots available)
When Registering, please select from the following dinner options:
Duet Entrée or Vegetarian selection.
Below is the evening menu.

Special Dietary Requests are available.
Please contact Nadine Popovich to discuss
npopovich@acms.org | (412) 321-5030 X110